NH Facts

1130 children and youth were reported as homeless in 2007. (NHNH) There are 2,248 homeless people on any given day in New Hampshire. (New Horizons) From July 2007 - July 2008 approximately 4,800 jobs were lost in New Hampshire. (Analysis of NH Industry)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

As the roster of corporations and financial institutions on line for government bailouts seems to grow, some public policy advocates in Washington D.C. are calling on policymakers to focus more efforts on the nation's poorest. The ranks of the destitute are growing quietly but alarmingly as much of the world focuses on troubles surrounding Wall Street. "Recent data show poverty is already rising quite substantially," says Robert Greenstein, the executive director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. "There is a strong potential for more hardship and destitution than we have seen in this country in a number of decades." http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20081125/us_time/08599186184300

We should all be aware that although all men/women are created equal there are times we do not live equally. It is my hope that we as a nation, community realize our position and realize that giving affirms our humanity!

If it's wrong to be a socialist, then is it right to be

"One Nation Under A Groove"

CJ perez

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